Tue 07 Jan
IM SO AMAZING!! REAL PICS No Texting- Valatina (949) 903-3756 - 42
(Little Rock, WLR Designed For Polite Gentlemen)
👙thick tight💦 juicy 💦5 🌠star🌟 chick 🐥💯 real pics or its free - 36
(Little Rock, south west little rock)
((█ ▓ *!*TENDER *!* SKILLED*!* AND*!* READY*!*█ ▓))- *TREAT *UR *SELF! - 24
***Sweet * Sexy *** Sassy Red *** Early Bird Specials until 11 am *** New Pics - 33
(where you want to be)
# AT EvErYthInG U WanT..🆕PicS 👠💄SEXY & 👅👅 iS AweSomE!!! 📖 me Now I'm READY💏 - 24
(Little Rock, NLR/Dwntwn Safe/Discreet)
~ ~ ~ ~ ♥ *HiGhLy * Reviewed!! TOP Notch SuGaR BaBy & FiVe ★ Services! ♥ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 23
(~~All Over Central, Arkansas~~)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: 100/hr ALl Day Up Late - 33
(where all your dreams come true)
👅💜💕😋 Team No Sleep👅💕💜 No Rush Policy👅💜😝 Specials$$$ Specials$$$ Specials$$$💜😍💕 - 25
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff)
💋 Brown Sugar $70 specials sweet to taste💋💋💑👙 fun to enjoy💝💝 specials 24/7## - 22
(Little Rock, Wlr nlr jacksonville conway)
✭✭✮ 【💖 🍒 💖 】 *🍒* ___ WILD ___ *🍒* ___ AND ___ *🍒* ___ PRETTY*🍒 【💖 🍒 💖 】✭✮✭ - - 25
(Little Rock, hot springs in or out)
🌄 MoRnInG SpEcIaL $50 🌄💋LeT My HOT ↔ PINK ↔ TIGHT ↔ KiTtY🐯 WaRm YoU Up💋 - 27
(Little Rock, WLR INCALL)
****** Miss Alyssa Ford! ***** Hot! Sweet! Sexy! Meet The New 19 Year Old Sensation! **** Specials** - 19
(All Over)
~ * ~ *Let Me Be Your Play Toy* ~ * ~ $80qv-120 hhr-160 hr.. ~V.I.P~ Service{Look n Side} - 29
(N.L.R{Private In Call}Out avail)
***Kim and Bianca Saturday night specials available now looking for fun*** - 24
(Little Rock, little rock and surrounding areas)
just arrived New in Town🌟✳⏩ Enjoyable Beauty🔥UnforGettAble Erotic Nuru MaSsAgE ⏪✳🌟 - 24
Im Finally In Hot Springs Only for the Night!😘 New Pics Highly Reviewed 😘1000% Real Pictures! - 22
(Hot Springs Only for the Night, Little Rock)
Who needs a basketball date for tonight !!!!♡ muah! ♡==832-303-2073 - 21
(Little Rock, little rock/conway/hot springs/sherwood/)
Sexy and natural! I stay ready to please! 36D-24-39! natural blond! Leaving soon! - 24
(Little Rock, Hot springs, LR, Nlr, conway)
★★ Private In call♥Chri sty★Thick Curvy·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡No Rush Wild Wednesday·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡ - 23
(Little Rock, north little rock ar)
MISS MAGIC ..Specials Specials Specials..ALL Day Before I Leave. Dont miss mee9015001975 - 20
(Little Rock, north little rock)
♦ Hassle-Free REVIEWED No Driver New Pics NoN-RuShEd ♦ - 24
Heavenl 😇 SELINA 😍 Love 😍 💋 💋 is Availabl💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 💋 👑 💰 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 - 24
(Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
Hello my name is Rose? and your name is ? - 22
(Little Rock, W.L.R incalls, Willing to travel to you)
DREAM GIRL ____ ♥ BRUNETTE ____ ♥ BEAUTY ____ ♥ ON ____ ♥ DUTY ♥!! - 21
(North Little Rock ~CLOSER To Y★U!!)
* *BELLA* * :: ~**~ !!! BACK iiN TOWN FOR A ``short`` TiiME !!! ~**~ :: * *BELLA* * - 22
(little rock/north little rock)
Juicy Booty double DD's all natural. Blonde. Fun, friendly, flirty, and well skilled - 26
(Little Rock, west little rock incalls only.)
Mon 06 Jan
allow me to get you were you need to be actions I'm with GGODDESS actions - 27
(Little Rock, in calls out call upscale)
Hosting "Saturday Night Special!" Incalls on Lake Hamilton in Hot Springs Sat/Sun! (501) 547-1459! - 42
(Little Rock, Lttle Rock, AR)
** ClASSy NOT Trashy *** You Dont Want To Miss Out *** Blonde Playmate * Simply The Best - 20
(Little Rock)
((((( ToP nOtCh ))))) PrIvATe CoMpAnIoN .......... GiVe ME a TrY .......... ;) IN-CALL =) - 30
(@ My house.....central..)
Young, Wild, and Sexy Blonde. **The whole package** Guaranteed to please :) - 27
(Little Rock, West little rock)
TRUE °**° DEFIN ITION °*OF*° SEXXXY °☆ - 23 - 23
(* P L U S H !nCaLL! * LR/NLR Area)
▀▄▀ ❤UPSCALE SEXY SWEET HOT HaZel ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤♥ ▃▅▆█GIRL█▆▅▃ ♥ ♛READY ♛ █▒ NOW █▒ - 24
(Little Rock, little Rock ar)
*-:¦:-* __Y-O-U-R __ E-B-O-N--Y __ O - B - S - E - S - S - I - O - N __*-:¦:-* - 23
(Little Rock)
💦VISITING NOW 💦Summer Moist✈️ Making Fantasies REALITY 👅 PRESIDENTAL Playmate 🎀 I ❤️ WHITE MEN ❣ - 20
(Little Rock, Surrounding Areas)
So Many Options, But None Like Me! Come Indulge In Greatness! - 24
(Little Rock, Little Rock and Surrounding area)
*New Arrival* Fun-Size* Come N C Me I Love Satisfying YOU!!!! 75 Specials 75 - 22
(Little Rock, little rock west)
Naughty Nurse Black Cherry has Big bOOty wet Kitty Special Rates all day! LOOK>>>SEE>> - 21
Hot In Little Rock! All You Can Handle and More! Riley! 100% REAL PICS! SPECIALS!!!! - 28
(Little Rock)
~~~~ ExoTiC PeTiTe CaRaMeL HoTtiE! ~~~~ ClAsSy & DiScReEt!! ~~~~ 100% Real! ~~~~ - 18
(Little Rock, Little Rock & Surrounding Areas!)