Mon 27 Jan
Your sexy angel ;-) .. 75 special ( conway incall ) new location - 29
(Little Rock, CONWAY private incall)
YuMmY YUmMy SweEt LiKE HonEy ** New To ThE aREa ** WhIte Men Come Freak With A Real Hottie! - 23
(outcalls /in)
(¯`'.¸° *XOTIC @* DIAMOND DLIGHTFULL @* C@R@M L @* DLIGHT °° °¯`) - 20
(Little Rock, My Place)
White, Blonde, Blue Eyes, 6ft, 145lbs, Fit, Tanned & Real: WLR Cabot Conway Bryant Benton Hot Spring - 33
(Little Rock, WLR Cabot Conway Bryant Benton Hot Sprin)
@@@@@@@@ YOur TRieD AnD tRuE TOP-LEVEL ENteRtAInER (IN-call!!) @@@@@@@@ - 30
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__S __E__X__x__ X__Y__*~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T - 22
(Little Rock, North Little Rock Incall / Outcalls)
▀▄▀ ❤UPSCALE SEXY SWEET HOT HaZel ❤ ▀▄▀▄ ❤♥ ▃▅▆█GIRL█▆▅▃ ♥ ♛READY ♛ █▒ NOW █▒ - 24
(Little Rock, little Rock ar)
This girl is SPECIAL ENOUGH ❋ AvAliAble 24/7 ☼ COME GET A SLICE OF HEAVEN - 21
(Little Rock, Hot Springs, Benton, Little rock ❋)
The Best Kept Secret :-) ... 75 a hour till 11pm.. .Conway... Incall ... New pics ! - 29
Yes Bella is up are you? I can make your day or night rite what she can't do I can c&m; see - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls)
*~*UPSCALE Blonde Bombshell*~* InDePenDent & CLASSY** All Real And All Yours!!***
(Little Rock, Outcall-Little Rock & Surrounding)
Up can't sleep or just need that rite Freak☎ Sexy azz BellA I can make it rite💋🍷🍷💋💋 - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls/out upscale only👔)
Sweetheart with an Edge that is Sexy and Delightfully Uninhibited!
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
•*¨¨*•-: ✦ :-•*_ •❣• T H E ♡ ♥ ♡ B E S T ♡ ♥ ♡ I S ♡ ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡ ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ ♥ ♡•❣ - 25
(Little Rock, NORTH Little Rock in &outcalls;)
university incalls.100 rosa especial..100special 💅Quality is Key* Exotic Queen*10 *Star*Experience* - 23
(Little Rock, University incalls Outcalls all over)
👑 Thick & Sexy Mixed Princess 👑 👸👸👸 Specialsss !! UP ALL NIGHT - 21
(Little Rock, surrounding areas)
💥🌟🔦💫🎥 surrounding areas 🚫Stop What Your Doing Look👀No Further! You Found🔦🔎Her😘 - 23
(Little Rock, SURROUND AR (Incall/Outcall))
Petite Freak ; Long Legs 💦👅😏 OUTCALL ONLY!! Last Weekend in town 💦 - 19
(HS Hs Villiage Malvern Surr Areas, Little Rock)
Sensual Brunette (((((((( Unlike any Other! )))))))) *** To Hot 2 Handle !!!!! - 20
(Little Rock, NLR ncalls specials)
Outcall & Incall Specials Beautiful Baby Doll 💏💏💏💏💏 Everything you need tonight💏💏💏💏💏💏 Zo - 28
(Little Rock)
nlr incalls.moist 💋 & that @$z🙆.I wanna jiggle on that 📏. So Come on over 💋 - 23
(Little Rock, nlr incalls)
═══☆ ° ☆[ Pretty Girl ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG]══ °☆ ══[ PLÂ ¥MÂT€]══ ☆° ☆- - - - 20
(Little Rock, West littlerock-north littlerock/surr.)
New in ToWn, Ol' Country girl wants to have a "GoOd TiMe!!"BRIGHT CITY NIGHTS - 29
(Little Rock, Littlerock and surrounding areas)
**** PINE BLUFF CaSeY SeXy LaDy ** UpScALe ReSiDeNtIaL InCaLL ** VeRiFieD!!! - 39
(Little Rock, Pine Bluff InCall OutCall)
•★•NEW PlayMatE in ToWN!!! {{{"*It's** Freaky** Friday** Specials*"}}} 100% REAL FreAK - 25
OFF the Plane from California!!! MISS ARIA is HERE!! - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR & Surrounding Areas)
°M°A °G° I °C° A °L°L°Y °° °° D°E °L°I °C° I° O°U ° S - 22
(Little Rock, little rock, and surrounding areas)
+++LookinG To Unwrap soMethInG SpeciAl for ValenTines DaY??+++ - 41
*New Arrival* Fun-Size* Come N C Me I Love Satisfying YOU!!!! 75 Specials 75 - 22
(Little Rock, little rock west)
° °?★?° ° Locked° ° °?★?° ° Do u Hold the KEY? $60 SPEC!aL - 23
Mz.Diamond Addictive platinum 👸blonde OutcALL §Pecials - 35
(Hot springs Bryant benton, Little Rock)
MEMPHIS CHICK ~*~**~*~~ NoBoDy dOeS It lIkE Me ~*~** SoUtHeRnn sEdUcTrEsS ~*~* cOmE PlAy - 21
(Little Rock, southwest)
☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K THE P®ETTiEST 36dd ALL NATU®AL SUPE® F®EAKY $75 $PE©iAL ☞ - 28
$$$ Let me show you a good time! Call Eden 501-529-5216! $$$ - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
⭐JUst Arrived ❤ Nubi@n MiXeD ×❤ BoOTY×❤× Kinky💕 $60⭐SpeCiaLs! - 23
(Little Rock, WLR/ In & Out( UP aLL NiT€ ))