Mon 06 Jan
kINKY * Naughty* NiKki *** Big Booty Shaker **No Clock Watcher ** Real Compaionship - 24
Hey diamond new in town in ready to do my thang only older white men's - 28
(Little Rock, Little Rock Incalls Outcalls)
Incall HOT SPRINGS❤️ Extremely flexible 😉 Pink & sweet 🌺 38Ds to please💕 P411 - 26
(Incall Hot Springs, HSV, Benton, Little, Little Rock)
✘♥✘♥ ☑ Freak ☑ Thick ☑ Fetish Friendly ☑ Sexy ☑ Big Booty ☑ Cutie ✘♥✘♥ Incalls Only!★Leaving Soon★ - 25
(Little Rock, West LR 💕Incalls Only!!!💕)
👄👅💄CaSeY in LiTtLe RoCk ToDaY OnLy‼️💋!! SpeCiALs €CCIE VeRiFieD & Reviewed‼️ P411 Member💗 - 41
(Little Rock, 🌺🌺🌺LiTtLe RoCk TODAY ONLY‼️‼️)
complete Satisfaction/No Complaints :) *Crystal**** - 20
(Little Rock, Hot Springs, Malvern, Benton)
☆ CURVY DD BIG BOOTY REDHEAD Ready to play ☆ HOt ! NEW PICS ☆ - 33
(Little Rock, nlr, lr, central ark)
Big things come in small packages.....I am up all night and daring you to come see - 38
(Little Rock, little rock, AR)
Desire Love Welcome Me Back 9014094228 (This is my Last Day Men) (call me I got a deal for you) - 20
(Little Rock, WEST LITTLE ROCK /630)
Come get this good GOod!! Upscale & Unrushed!! Freaky Friday Hot & ready Big Booty Always Pretty!! - 24
(Little Rock, incalls.outcalls)
🌟60$KiLLeR! 💦👅💨💋 MoUTH SPECiaLS —🌟 WEST LiTTLE RoCk 🌟— 60$KiLLeR! MoUTh 💦👅💨💋 SPeCiaLS🌟 - 23
(Incalls Only Near FairPark Blvd, Little Rock)
👑 100% Hottie 👑💎 Rare💎 EXQUISITE🌟 American Indian💋TEMPTRESS💋Natural kill er Curves🌺 100% real pics! - 28
(hot springs will travel with reference!, Little Rock)
I like a man in black dress socks 💋 💋
(everywhere, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
! SEXY.!..*36DDD..Blonde... // *Reviewed!.*.& .*Recommended~~* // ***** - 39
(Central Arkansas, Little Rock)
!! SpEcIaLs AvAiLaBlE!! * * 1000% mE ~ ~ BuStY BruNettE BoMbSheLL ~ I LoVe WhAt I dO ~ - 24
(Little Rock)
So Many Options, But None Like Me! Come Indulge In Greatness! - 24
(Little Rock, Little Rock and Surrounding area)
FreakY FridaY! Don't MiSs OuT! 5 * ChiCk !! Tantalizing & ThiCk in All ThE RighT PlaCes !! - 29
(Little Rock, My Place or Yours)
~80 SpEcIaL ~(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E*-T-) (*A* -N- *D*) (-A- *D*-D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V*-E - 33
(Little Rock And surrounding area)
——————— ★ REAL PIXS NO DRAMA——————— ★ Discreet & Safe ——————— ★ Available NOW :) - 23
(Little Rock, Hot Springs*Benton*Bryant*LR* Conway)
(¯`'.¸o° °o¸.'´¯) EROTIC! Mind °;° BIG BOOTY! Amazing Skillz!! 1000% ME Pics/Videos - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock/Downtown Area)
👉👉New👈SeXy Exotic HOTTIE SpECIALS 👅💦 DAY/NITE ➋➍/➆ 🚫NO FAKES HERE🚫 100% Me or Its FREE👅💦 - 24
(Little Rock, W. Little rock)
Butterfly Baby!! New REAL Pictures, I'm Reviewed & Respected :) - 24
(HS mostly.!! LR 2, Little Rock)
★ ★ Whatever You Need★ Im What You Desire★ Yes Baby Im Real ★ Crystal ★ Specials Starting @ 60★ ★★★ - 26
(Little Rock, LR Incall Only!!!)
M_A_D_E __ o★o _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - 22
(Little Rock, Little Rock, Jacksonville, Sherwood, NLR)
× CLiCK HERE ×°x°× IF YoU ×°x°× REQUiRE ×°x°× THE BEST ×°x°× - - 26
Have a threesome with TWO AMAZING women this week - 26
(Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Little Rock)
❤ ❤ ❤ ★ ★ ★ Petite Brunette ★ ★ ★ ❤ ❤ ❤ - 25
(hot sprin, LR, Benton, surrounding areas, Little Rock)
~Now seeing upscale black gentlemen So Sweet So Sassy ~~ - 28
(Little Rock, Nlr, Jacksonville, Conway, and Cabot)
P °__° L °__° A °__° Y ° ° T °__° I °__° M °__° E ° - 24/7 - 25
(Little Rock, incall/outcalls)
Open minded Sexii ℓa†iηa💎Specials all nite💋Blonde👯1OO% Rεaℓ ღ ▬▬ღI do everything ❤Hablo Espanol - - 25
(Little Rock)
NEW _____ NEW ______ SwEET BuT NaUgHtY GiRL ReAdY & EaGeR To PLeAsE WhAtS Ur FaNtAsY? - 27
(incall and outcall)
NEW ASIAN gIrLs💋CLaSSY 💋HOT💋UPSCALE 💋▬▬🌺▬▬▬ 🎉UNIQUE & EXOTIC🎉▬▬▬▬▬❤Real❤🌺▬▬▬▬ Curvy Body🌺❤ - 24
(Little Rock, little rock incall only 347-506-7113)
HoT SpRiNgS 💖🌟💖 BBW ThAt WiLL RoCk YoUr WoRLd 💖🌟💖 GoRgEoUS CuRvEs 💖🌟💖 SeXy As HeLL💖🌟💖 - 32
(Hot Springs, Little Rock)
💦💧Brooklyn is here to cater to all your needs and is slippery with dangerous curves - 20
(Little Rock, little rock west)
Sun 05 Jan
50 SpLz🐰K¡NkY SuPeR F®€Aⓚ💁 K¡∫∫∑R SK¡LLs ➋PLZ▪$3xY L¡Ps👅 TH!CK💎 JuiCy ▄ CuT!e★+ B!G b◯0Ty - 19
(Little Rock, 630/430@Markham)