Mon 27 Jan
Upscale Beauty👀👀😘The One You've Been Looking😘😍🙊CALL NOW 9012642095 - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock( WEST LITTLE ROCK )💙)
•★• TH€ ULTiMÅT€ iNDULG€NC€... *❤* 100 % Independent •☆• DREAMS •☆• - 22
(Little Rock, NLR *• ♥ *• LR)
*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* ★ SuPeR FrEaKy n KiNkY PlAyMAtE ★*¨¨*:. ★NeW PiCs - 21
(Central Arkansas & Surrounding Areas)
Th3 bE$t oF thE SoUth.. EveRythIng U dRe@m oF...50 SpeCi@l untill 12 noon - 28
(Little Rock, anywhere Outcall)
Thick CuRvy Beautiful ReDHead *100/hr NO Upsells No Clocks !!! - 34
(Little Rock, lr,nlr private residential incall)
THE ☆♥RiGHT☆CHOiCE █☆ G U A ® A N T € € D ☆█ [100% Me ]°TREAT URSELF° $1O0 // 15O // 25O - 23
(Little Rock, north little rock)
Sweet,Soft SexXxY & ExXxTrEaMlEy PlEaSiNg {60qv)OUT CALL ONLY - 34
(Little Rock, Little Rock & Surr areas)
Stop bye & get the BeST 5012580693 Ms.GoOd GoOD upscale & always ready 4 upscale men - 25
(Little Rock, Incalls/out)
★ ( SPEciaLS) ♥ M_A_D_E __ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_ °o★o° 75,85,100 - 22
(Little Rock, west little rock Hardin)
✨💙Slim Thick Exotic Doll ✨❤️Available NLR Now Specials /Especiales🔥Miyaha 💝😘 9012070108 - 19
(Little Rock, NLR (NORTH LITTLE ROCK) 35 +Ages)
***Smokin Hot *** Addictive *** Tan *Gorgeous * Hot New Pics ***100/hr All Day - 33
(where u want to be)
Super Hot Fantasy Dream Girl $$$ Late Night and 2 Girl Specials $$$ Great Reviews!!! - 23
(Little Rock, Little Rock, Arkansas)
💞Single Mans BestFriend & A Married Mans Best Kept Secret🙊💦👉ELITE Ebony Companion👈💞 - 27
(Little Rock, ️Lr,Cnway,Surrounding,in/outcall availab)
Small waist big BOOTY.....Booty Clappin and Ready to Party...and waiting on you !!!!!!!!!! - - 21
(Little Rock)
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) (*A* -N- *D*) (-A- *D* -D- *D* -i- *C* -T- *i* -V- *E*) - 20 - 20
(Little Rock ,AR)
* Sultry * Sexy * Seductive * Southern * GFE * Classy * Highly Reviewed * LAST DAY THIS WEEK - 22
(Central Arkansas)
Sexy Erotic Massages and MOre for the gentlemen in Southern Ark !!! Gorgeous Busty Redhead - 37
(Little Rock, south ark crossett surrounding area)
Rachel Slim Busty Blonde Travelers Welcome * ** Seniors Welcome **125 special - 40
(Little Rock, conway residence)
Pleasure Princess. Ssshh dont tell daddy his pretty in pink princess has been bad n needs a spanking - 33
(Little Rock)
(¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) _ S K I L L S? Look for N i K i B A B Y!_ (¯`'. ¸.'´¯) - 21
(Little Rock, Little Rock, jacksonville/nlr)
★★ Private In call♥Chri sty★Thick Curvy·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡No Rush Wild Wednesday·♡¤ ♥ ¤♡ - 23
(Little Rock, north little rock ar)
Relax & Enjoy Some ⏰ w/Me! 😍 Available 👠 Call Now 📞 💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†💋💦💄 💯%REAL - 31
(Incall 💋, Little Rock)
Oh LA la .... oh LA LA... I can't wait to meet you ..... Asian & Puerto Rican - 25
(lr, nlr, jax, cabot, benton, bryant)
NEW PICS/Video Proof ✅BeAuTiFuL💎💎 ThIcK💎💎 CuRvY💎💍💎 SiMpLy 💍💎GoRgEoUs🔱💎💍 NO FAKES HERE - 25
(Little Rock, Little rock: MID TOWN)
P.a.w.g* Sexy* Curvy* Super Freak* Come play with Zoe tonight* Get what you deserve* - 28
(Little Rock)
NEW* GIRL*SEDUCtive N Sweet— *LONG LEGS* *** White caucasian Girl - - - 22
(Little Rock, N. Little Rock)
Outcalls n Lr incalls!!..Pretty Lil thickie w/ the Best kisses 💋 in town! top specials always avl - 23
(Little Rock, little Rock incalls)
Micah😈 🌹 FORIEGN🌹Incall SPECIAL$!!!$!!! 5014837939 😋💋100%REAL 📷 or it's FREE - 21
(Little Rock, LR, University)
✋NEW PICS ✋♥LoNdYn BriDgEz💎AVAILBLE NOW💋i pRoMiSe U WiLL NeVeR FiNd aNoThEr LiKe mE💯💎♥ - 24
(Little Rock)
New girl BOOBALICIOUS.... ★ £ÕvÊR$ ★ C•A•U•T•I•O•N ★SLiPPeRY★wen ...Wʇ - 39
(Little Rock, medical center INCALL ONLY)
Sun 12 Jan
$$$ Let me show you a good time! Call Eden 501-529-5216! $$$ - 29
(Little Rock, Little Rock, NLR, Maumelle)
***Naughty, Sweet, Erotic*** Super Saturday Specials **** 75/hr *** Call Sassy Now - 33
(where you want to be)
light Brite of your dreams hot and read morning speacial only guy's - 24
(Little Rock, West little rock)